Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2 months to go

I got a little lazy, so here is a recap of the last two weeks:

July 23-29th
Yeah, so about that laziness...I didn't run all week. I don't even have a good excuse. I just didn't. And since I am beating myself up about it now, I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Monday, July 30th
Finally able to go back to my personal training sessions, so I had a session tonight. Normally on Mondays I do personal training, then do my scheduled run for the day but I think. Am going to have to readjust that. I find that I try and save my legs in my training session, in order to have energy for my runs, which just defeats the purpose of going to personal training sessions. I think I am going to have to not do any runs on Mondays. This way I alan get the most out of my training session, and move this run to another day in the week.

Tues, July 31st
Legs were still pretty sore and tired from Mondays training session, but I dragged my ass to the gym anyway. Ran 3 miles and my legs felt like bricks every freaking step.

Wed, Aug 1st
Day off!

Thurs, Aug 2nd
5 miles. Felt pretty good.

Fri, Aug 3rd & Sat, Aug 4th
Days off

Sun, Aug 5th
Was supposed to run 18 miles. I had a few sore toes from my Thursday run so I figured I would have to power through. I felt good from miles 1-10, even when I could feel a blister on my toes from the first half mile. Once mile 10 I realized that my hip was starting to hurt. I was over compensating on my hip for the blister on my toe. I told myself I would do the remaining 8 miles no matter how slowly I had to go. Once I got to mile 12 it was really starting to hurt, but I kept going. Once I got to mile 13 I realized that if I kept pushing I would just be chancing a serious injury that would take longer to heal than a blister. I'm upset that I didn't/couldn't get all 18 in, but I have to take some positive out of it...it was still 13 decent miles, I still have momentum, and I didn't seriously injure myself.

Now onto another week and hopes that I can get through the 20 mile run scheduled for this weekend! :-)

Days till Marathon: 61
Total training miles: 312.85