Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feb 20-25

This week was a low mileage week, in order to rest the legs. Here's what I did...

I was supposed to run 5 miles at 13:53, but ended up only running 3 at a pace of 12:30 per mile.

Was a day off...yea!

Was an extremely long day! Had a huge event on Thursday to prep for, plus meetings all afternoon, one of which was across town. Got back to the office around 5 in time to go to the board meeting and listen to one of my students speak about her experiences at Clark. She was wonderful and I am so proud of her! I finally left work and headed to the gym around 7pm. I'll be honest I was so tired I didn't know if I was going to make the whole 5 miles I was supposed to run, but I did! All 5 miles at 13:53 pace

Another very long day, with a major event in the morning, then meetings all afternoon. I'm not happy about it, but I decided to skip my training run that night. I know I shouldn't have, but I needed the night off to lax and recoup from the week

My normal day off

Did 5 miles at 13:53, just like the training plan said!

No funny tales from the gym this week. I have to figure out how to post here better. It's too much to post after every run, but I feel like I miss stuff if I only post once a week. I need to find a compromise. Next week I lower my mile pace in the training plan, so that should be interesting.

Days till marathon: 233
Training runs left: 139
Total training miles: 66.25

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