Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sick Week

After my run last Sunday I could feel a little tickle in my throat and stuffiness in my nose. I knew I was getting sick but I was hoping that it would just be a quick cold, maybe a day or two. I woke up Monday morning and felt like shit. I ended up working half days on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This cold kicked the crap out of me. Very stuffy nose, then to my head, then back down to my throat, where it is finishing its stay currently.

It was really frustrating to be sick for a few different reasons:
1) I didn't have the energy to go running all week. It was all I could do to get to work a few times. I wanted to run, but I knew if I spent energy doing that it would be taking away energy I should be using to get better.
2) I was dog sitting my favorite little doggy, Gabbi, this week. I knew I was going to dog sit for about a month, so I had rearranged my training schedule to accommodate watching her, so I wouldn't have to leave her alone more than when I was at work. So to rearrange all the training and then not be able to train was frustrating.
3) I was sick for a week in October with strep throat. It took me out. Missed a whole week of work. Knowing how sick I was then, not that long ago, it just seemed silly to me to feel so out of it with just a cold. Seemed absolutely ridiculous, but it was true, this thing took every ounce of energy I had this week.
4) I'm a pretty healthy person. I hardly ever get sick. Between the strep throat and this damn cold, plus a few other sickness here and there in the past year, can't ever remember being this sick this often. I hope I've used all my sickness up for a while. That's either the case or I'm getting old, and I'm not ready to del with that so it has to be that I've gotten all my sickness in for a while.

As I told Mirranda, you can tell I felt like crap because I didn't even car how I looked at work this week. Didn't do my hair nice once. Even wore what I call my work pajamas one day (basically chino pants, t-shirt and cardigan). For those that know me, that is not an outfit I wear to work when I feel ok. :)

So the basic message of this post is that I missed a whole friggin week of training. Even today I'm not feeling great yet. Hoping that I'll be all better on Monday and can start the training again. Also hoping taking a week off won't eliminate all the hard work and training I had done before.

Days till marathon: 218
Total training miles: 70.25

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are feeling better, Vanessa! And that you have a good training week this week!
