Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Feeling better and back at it!

Well, I am finally starting to feel better...FINALLY! That cold really wiped me out. Today was my first day back running after feeling better. I was a bit worried about going back because, even though it was only a week, you can lose all that running endurance quick. I did my first run in over a week tonight, 3 miles, and felt pretty good. A little tired still, but I think that's just because I am not quite 100% yet. It felt good to be back at the gym running though!

I need to be focused in my runs over the next two weeks. I signed up for the Shamrock 15k and will need all the training I can get in these next two weeks. I'm not concerned at the distance much, but it's a pretty hilly course, so need to prepare for that.

Here's to finishing the rest of this weeks runs, and hopefully feeling 100% health wise too!

Days till marathon: 215
Total training miles: 73.25


  1. Do you use compression socks or tights when you run? If so, what kinds, and where do you find them? I've been looking around online, but I'd prefer to go with something recommended by someone I know.

    Way to go, by the way! Once again, you are inspiring me to continue with my running.

  2. Hey Diane,
    No I don't use compression socks right now. I am going to look not getting some for after my long runs though, to help with recovery. I'm glad I can inspire someone to keep running! Keep it up! :)
