Thursday, September 27, 2012

10 Days!!!

Holy Crap it's only 10 days till my first ever MARATHON!!!!! I can't believe it's so close! I'm scared, nervous, excited, anxious, ready, not ready, terrified, pumped.

Since September is so busy at work I didn't get in as much training as I had hoped to. It's my fault, I could have worked less and trained more. I could throw out tons of reasons why I made it ok in my head to work instead of train, but none of them are probably good. In the end I'm where I am training wise and I just have to do my best with what I have.

I've done two more long training runs since my last post:

Sun, Sept 16th: 15 miles
I felt better during and after this run than I expected. It got pretty difficult around mile 12, but I figured that since it was my first long run in a while. The best part about the whole run was that the next day I felt great! I could walk, wasn't too sore...I was very surprised. It told me that even if its hard to get through the miles my body is ready for the recovery.

Sun, Sept 23rd: 18.5 miles
I left the house telling myself I was going to go 20 miles. I felt super great through mile 11, a mile shorter than where it got hard the week before. The last 7 miles were TOUGH. I walked most all of it. I just kept telling myself that its about getting the miles in, the time on the road, even if I'm not running it all. Even though the actual running didn't go how I wanted on this last run, I w proud of myself for getting almost all the miles in and to just keep on going.

I know 18.5 miles is still a long way from 26.2. I know I could have been more dedicated in my training. BUT... I'm proud of the training I did, and I am confident that I am going to finish, and finish well!

With less than 10 days left there is a lot to prepare for this next week...
Friday the 28th: Happy hour with co-workers, celebrating making it through a loooong summer.
Saturday the 29th: relaxing, watch Beaver game
Sunday the 30th: Run 8-10 miles
Monday the 1st - Wednesday the 3rd: rest and stock up on Gatorade, food, water, energy gels
Thursday the 4th: Logistics happy hour with friends and parents. Going over the race route, where they will cheer me on, etc. I will not be able to partake in the actual drinking part of happy hour :-(.
Friday the 5th: Packet pick up day!!!
Saturday the 6th: OSU game in Corvallis with the family
Sunday the 7th: MARATHON DAY!!!!! Run marathon, come home, shower, nap, then celebratory dinner with friends and family.

Going to be an exciting 10 days!

Days till Marathon: 10
Total training miles: 401.35

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Month To Go!!

It's been over a month since my last post...heres a quick recap of why it took me so long: lazy, vacation, sick. There you go.

Here is a quick recap of the last month or so.

Sun, Aug 5th: 13 miles
Sun, Aug 12th: 8 miles....I may have had a mini-breakdown after this run.
Sat, Aug 18th: 10 miles...early morning run before heading to vacation in Vegas
Tues, Aug 21st: 6 miles...ran at the hotel gym
Fri, Aug 24th: 5 miles...ran at hotel gym
*****THEN I GOT SICK***** I was sick for almost two weeks and could not run
Thurs, Sept 6th: 3 miles...first run post sickness was brutal
Sat, Sept 8th: 10 miles...I felt better than on the 6th, but still need to get back to pre-vacation/sickness conditioning.

I've got less than a month until the marathon. I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be in training purposes, but run, walk or crawl I'm going to get over that finish line!!

September is a crazy busy month at work, but I hope to update more frequently as I get closer to the scariest day ever!!

Days till Marathon: 28
Total training miles: 367.85