Monday, May 21, 2012

Portland Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon

Yesterday was the inaugural Portland Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon. I signed up for it a year ago on the first day of registration. A co-worker told me if you sign up then the cost was only 55 bucks! What a deal! As I put in my last post, I've been really slacking on my running lately so I didn't expect to do very well, was just hoping to finish in around 3 hours.

The race experience started when they sent out a notice that the I5 bridge was closed the morning of the race. So instead of dealing with bad traffic in the morning I stayed with my friend Jody in Portland. Race morning I got up and drove to the start line, there were a few sprinkles coming down which I didn't expect because I thought it was supposed to be sunny for the race. As we waited to start the sprinkles kept coming down, nothing to big but enough to realize it wasn't going to be a nice sunny day like I expected.

At about 8:20am my corral finally crossed the start line and we were off! I was excited to get going but did my usual reminder to myself to not start out too fast. We started off running the regular streets in downtown Portland, but around mile 1.5 we crossed over the Hawthorne bridge to the east side of Portland. It was exciting to have a race on that ran through the east side since most stay on the west side.

When I'm running I like to have little goals to get to, whether it's getting to the next mile marker, or the next water station, or where my supporters are cheering me on, either way I like having something to run towards. So for this race I wrote all the water stops on my wrist, right next to my breathe tattoo, so. Could have some more milestones to look forward to.

Things were going well around mile 4 or so. I'll admit, I had stopped to walk a couple times for short periods but was keeping a good pace when all of a sudden I could feel my toes on my left foot start to feel restricted and tight. I kept running and figured it would go away and I could just run through it but this time I couldn't. So I stopped, took off my shoes and adjusted my socks (which are 5 toed socks). After the brief stop I was better and back on track.

Miles 3.5 through 5.5 were on Hawthorne which was a long, slow, gradual, sneak up on you hill. Oh it was painful. I knew my friend Jody was going to be cheering me on a little after mile 5, so I had something to look forward too. I saw Jody, did some high five-ing, and was on my way. As a sidenote: I know you only see the people you know who are cheering you on for a few seconds during the race, but those seconds really matter. It is something the runner really looks forward to. As a supporter you never know how much those brief few seconds of support can help the runner. For me, it gives me the perfect pick me up and dose of adrenaline I need, no matter how much pain I was in a few seconds before, seeing your supporters makes all that go away for a bit.

After I saw Jody I continued on, and about a mile later I felt the same restriction in my left foot again. I stopped again, fixed my sock again, and hoped this would be the last time.

Around mile 7.5 we turned on to Burnside, which meant we were over halfway there, and most of the rest of the race had a bit of downhill to it. :) I knew I was going to see Jody again around mile 8.5, so I kept my focus there. It was about this time that I could feel my ITB starting to act up. On the up and down hills I was having to limp a bit as to not flare my knee up even more. When I saw Jody it was at the very bottom of a hill and I was limping pretty badly. I saw her and wanted to get a quick picture with her. She was so great, standing out in the rain to cheer everyone on. Thank you Jody, it meant so much! So we got our picture taken and I was off for the rest of the race.

After I saw Jody I knew there was about 4.5 miles left and my goal was to finish it in just over an hour, to finish the whole race in less than 3 hours. Once I got to 9 miles I just focused on keeping my pace to less than 15 min per mile. Which was easy when running but there were some walk breaks in there, so I wanted to make sure I kept up a good pace when I did let myself walk for a minute or two.

In the last few miles of a race I look for those small milestones more than ever, next miles marker, next water stop, next band station, etc. Miles 9-12 were just that. Looking for anything I could to just keep going. I fully admit it helped that there was a slight downhill for a majority of these miles. My knee was in quite a bit of pain at this point, but I knew it would be over soon.

Around mile 11.5 I got stopped at a couple intersections for cars to go through. After the second time I was thinking about the stoppage when I felt a pop in my left foot. My left pinky toe had blistered and popped! So much for anti-blister socks! After the initial pop it didn't hurt, so I just kept on going.

Once I got to mile 12 I got excited. I knew the Steel bridge was coming up, which meant there was by about .75 of a mile after the bridge. After watching my pace I knew I would get in under the 3 hour mark, just how much under was the question. The downhill of the last few miles was really putting a strain on my knee but I knew I didn't have far to go. When there was only about .75 miles to go I really wanted to stop and walk just for a minute or two, but I was almost there, I wasn't going to let myself down. So slowly but surely I ran the next .5 of the race, trying to just do anything to not make myself stop. I saw a sign that said "don't walk now, people are watching", which is EXACTLY how I felt! With about .25 miles to go I just wanted to be done, I could see the finish line, and I wanted to finish strong so I picked up the pace. Not a sprint, but a good fast pace, and I crossed the finish line!!! Yea me!!!

I ended up finishing the race in 2 hours, 53 min and 11 seconds. Just under 4 minutes off my PR. I am very happy with the time considering I didn't train much at all. Then there is a small part of me that says if I didn't have to stop and fix my socks twice, or take a picture with Jody, I might have beaten my PR. But I would rather not have injured myself more, and have a fun pic with my friend who sacrificed her morning to cheer me and others on, than getting a PR. I was very very happy with my time, the race, even the weather! Rather have a consistent sprinkle than the heat any day!

And now my sixth half marathon is done! One more half to go, the Vancouver Half Marathon in June, then the full marathon in October. After this last race I am feeling pretty good about how I will fair in both. Can't wait to get out there again!

Days till Marathon: 139
Total training miles: 190.25

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Well it's been a month since the Corvallis Half, and the night before the Portland Rock 'n Roll Half. All the time in between has been difficult...really really difficult to stay motivated.

Week 1 after Corvallis:
No motivation, told myself I would only give myself a week off. I should have known better.

Week 2 after Corvallis:
3.5 miles
4.75 miles

Week 3 after Corvallis:
Felt like I was getting back into it, and back into a regular training schedule:
5 miles
8.5 miles

Week 4 after Corvallis:
Got lazy at the beginning of the week, and had horrible headache at the end of the week. Tried to run on Sunday and could only get 2 miles done before my head hurt too much that I had to stop

Week 5 after Corvallis:
On Wednesday I had my first personal training session. I ridiculously thought i would get my run in after my session...yea right. Got a great workout in, but was tired. I should have ran that day because I was so sore on Thursday and Friday I couldn't get a run in either!

So after a month of horrible, or more so non existent, training I am getting up at dawn tomorrow to run the Portland Rock 'n Roll half marathon. I will finish, maybe not a great time, but I will finish.

After basically a month off I need to tell myself that was the last time I can do that. Until October I have to focus, focus on the 26.2 miles.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good start!

Days till Marathon: 141
Total training miles: 177.15

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Corvallis Half Marathon

It was a week to go until my first half marathon of the year. I was excited because I felt like I have been really training hard, and in better shape for this half marathon, than any other one I’ve done. I did a great 11.5 miles on Sunday, and was ready for my weekly training. Monday I was still tired from my long run on Sunday, so I decided to give myself the day off. Went to bed Monday night and looked forward to my Tuesday run. Woke up on Tuesday and could barely breathe! My back hurt when I woke up and figured I had just slept funny, but by the time I got to work I could barely breathe. It was like my ribs were bruised. It was the weirdest thing. I already had plans to go out on Tuesday, so I figured another night of sleep would make them all better. Nope! Those damn things hurt until Friday. I almost went to the gym on Wednesday, but I didn’t want to hurt them more than they already did, so I opted to stay home. It was a smart choice I think. I’m pretty sure my body is sending me every possible signal that I shouldn’t be a runner, and I am doing as best as I can to avoid each and every one of them.

On Friday my stomach/ribs felt good enough to try a short run, in preparation for the race on Sunday. I went to the gym, ready to get a good run in. My breathing was ok, not too much pain, but then, around mile 2 I could feel my ITB's starting to act up. Talk about f'ing frustrating! I've been training for months with my knees cooperating and not bothering me, but noooooo, they have to act up the run before a race. Again, frustrating!

Race day finally came and it was a beautiful day in Corvallis! Minor per-race mishap when I lost my license but thankfully one of the volunteers picked it up and had it safe for me to pick up at the end of the race. Once that worry was gone I could focus on how to run the race. It was at last years race where I ran my personal best half marathon time, at 2 hours 47 min 20 seconds. This year I had trained harder and was in better shape, so I was really hoping to better my time. After a few more anxious per-race moments it was time to run!

The race started and I felt really good. I was paying attention to my watch to make sure I wasn't starting out to fast, kept to my pace and just enjoyed the run. I remembered that last year I stopped to walk a bit around the 4 mile mark, this year I didn't take a short walk break until 8 miles in. Also, from miles 4-6 there is one long gradual hill followed by small rolling hills for a while. Last year, because of my knees, I walked all the hills, just didn't think my knees would be able to withstand the  incline. This year I pushed myself through the hills though, which was a mini victory in itself. :)

My brother lives along the course route and he was going to cheer me on by his house, between mile 8-9. I was crushing along and I have to admit, I thought he was going to miss me. I had passed where I expected to see him and he wasn't there, so I figured he overslept for was there and had already gone. Next thing I knew, I turned the corner, and there he was! He smiled and waved and I weren't over for a quick second to say hi, I mean I was running a race, no long hellos allowed :). One of his roommates, whom I had never met, came with him which I though was really nice of him. I told Geoffrey I would see him in about an hour at the finish, and waved goodbye.

This is where the last few miles got hard. There were 4 miles to go, and by this time the sun was out and it was hot! I know, hot in April in Corvallis, but it really was! the last four miles were tough, but I just kept remembering how tough they were last year too, and that in comparison it was easy.

Since it was such a beautiful day out, lots of people were out cheering the runners on, which is always nice. It was fun to run down 26th street (fraternity row) and remember all the good times (and let's face it, bad times) I had there. I was getting closer, only about two miles to go and you pass the Memorial Union which was literally my home away from home for 4 years. And just when you can see the stadium and you think the finish is so close you can taste it, you take a right turn and you still have another mile to go. Possibly the cruelest mile on the course, just because you think you are so close to the finish but realize you still have another mile to go.

The whole course is beautiful, it has to be, it's in Corvallis, there's no other choice. It like a 3 hour run through memory lane for me, and it's wonderful. But the best part of the race is the finish line. As you finish the last mile you run through Reser stadium parking lot and run down the players tunnel onto the football field, you race to the 50 yard line where your name is called, you are on the jumbo ton, and most are finished!

Unfortunately my brother had a bit of trouble getting to the finish on time, so I finished about 10 min before he could get there. But once he was there I gave Nima good ole sweaty hug, and thanked him for cheering me on.

I was a bit disappointed when I finished because according to the time I was keeping on my watch I though I was about a minute behind my time from last year. Which had me fairly down for a little bit confiding how much better prepared I was this year. But when I came home and checked the official times I was happy to see that I was actually faster this a whole 4 seconds!! :)

I'm happy I ran the Corvallis half again this year, and I'll probably sign up for it again next year. It's out of the way, and takes some time to get there, but it really is gorgeous and I just love that place. When I left Corvallis, a little piece of my heart stayed there. :)

The good: I felt fine the next day! I tiny bit sore, but not at all what I expected. My training really worked!
The bad: Good grief did I get burnt! I didn't even think to put on sunscreen and my back got scorched!
The funny: my favorite sign: "Awesome job random dude that I don't know"

Total training miles: 153.4