Saturday, May 19, 2012


Well it's been a month since the Corvallis Half, and the night before the Portland Rock 'n Roll Half. All the time in between has been difficult...really really difficult to stay motivated.

Week 1 after Corvallis:
No motivation, told myself I would only give myself a week off. I should have known better.

Week 2 after Corvallis:
3.5 miles
4.75 miles

Week 3 after Corvallis:
Felt like I was getting back into it, and back into a regular training schedule:
5 miles
8.5 miles

Week 4 after Corvallis:
Got lazy at the beginning of the week, and had horrible headache at the end of the week. Tried to run on Sunday and could only get 2 miles done before my head hurt too much that I had to stop

Week 5 after Corvallis:
On Wednesday I had my first personal training session. I ridiculously thought i would get my run in after my session...yea right. Got a great workout in, but was tired. I should have ran that day because I was so sore on Thursday and Friday I couldn't get a run in either!

So after a month of horrible, or more so non existent, training I am getting up at dawn tomorrow to run the Portland Rock 'n Roll half marathon. I will finish, maybe not a great time, but I will finish.

After basically a month off I need to tell myself that was the last time I can do that. Until October I have to focus, focus on the 26.2 miles.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good start!

Days till Marathon: 141
Total training miles: 177.15

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