Sunday, July 1, 2012

Less than 100 days!!!

Less than 100 days to go!

Ok, I've said it before, but this time I really mean it...I'm going to start posting more frequently. I'm going to try and post after each training run, this way I won't feel so overwhelmed (like I do now) trying to write a post to catch up on everything.

I have less than 100 days till my marathon, 98 days to be exact. And I'm kind of freaking out.

It's been forever since I've posted last, so here is a quick update on what I've done:
•After the Rock 'n' Roll: ran 25.5 miles
•Vancouver USA half marathon: 13.1 miles
•After Vancouver: 5 miles

I'm a tiny bit behind where I hoped to be at this point. But this morning I updated my training schedule, rearranging runs around the late nights at work, vacations, etc. I feel good about the plan. A few of my thoughts/concerns:
•The plan has me paced to run the marathon in 5 hours, 43 minutes. That would be great, but honestly as long as I finish in less than 6 hours I will be ecstatic!
•my hardest training days will be Saturdays and Mondays. Saturdays are my long run days (with a couple Sunday exceptions), and Mondays I have personal training appointments in addition to my running mileage. If I can get to Wednesdays it is downhill from there.
•I have two vacations this summer and know it will take tons and tons of will power to make sure I get my runs in. My trip home to Sequim should be fairly easy to get the runs in, but I'm slightly worried about getting them in when I am in Vegas. Luckily it is a rest week in the training plan, with no run more than 7 miles. I'm planning on going to the hotel gym to run 3 times while I am there. I think that should help keep up my fitness while doing all the horrible things you do on vacation. :)
•Lastly, my weekends for the whole summer are shot. My long runs are on Saturdays, and when I am done with them all I want to do is sleep for days. It's a good thing my social life isn't very active :).

Tomorrow I start again, the official marathon training plan. I start with a personal training session then 6 miles. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.....

Days till Marathon: 98
Total training miles: 233.85

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great, Vanessa, and I know you can do this!
