Monday, January 30, 2012

Training Day #1

This was a stupid idea… what in the world made me think I could run a FULL marathon? What made me think I could commit to something so intensely for 9 months? I had a horrible week last week, worst one in quite a while, so I decided I was going to let myself enjoy the last running free weekend until October. And man, did I enjoy it! Pretty lazy actually, had some friends over, watched lots of movies (even watched the Kardashian divorce episode – trust me, I’m very ashamed) and just relaxed. I knew as soon as I woke up this morning that today was the start of my training. And the first thought I had, “Crap, I have to run tonight”. This is not the response of someone who is qualified to run a marathon. I’m sure once I get to the gym I will be fine, but right now I just look at the long 9 months ahead. I feel too much worry and not enough excitement. I hope that will turn around soon, because of I can't turn it around soon, Mirranda is going to have a tougher job this year than she thought.

Well first training run done.  Today I was supposed to run 4 miles. I got the 4 miles done, but fought a cramp on my side for a couple of the miles and walked it out for just a bit. I feel good getting the first "official" one out of the way, but there are so many more to go. I mean I fought a cramp today which made the 4 miles anything but easy, just add another 22.2, easy schmeezy. Man I am an idiot. Well training day two is tomorrow, hopefully it will go better than today. Need to remind myself to drink more water during the day tomorrow. Here, we go....

Also, I love countdowns. I think they are a great way to keep the goal in mind, so at the end of most of my posts I plan on counting down how many training runs are left, how many days left until the marathon and how many training miles I have run. Maybe if I look at the enormous amount of miles I run this year, 26.2 won't seem that bad in October :)

Days till marathon: 251
Training runs left: 156
Total training miles: 4

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Vanessa! One down, 156 to go!
