Monday, April 9, 2012

April Update

Last week I felt like I was able to get back into more of a groove with my running and training. Felt good to be back in the habit! Had to get my serious training hat back on since I half a half marathon on April 15th!

Wednesday, April 4th: 4 miles
Saturday, April 7th: 3 miles
Sunday, April 8th: 11.5 miles

My long run was really good this week! Ran at about a 13:30 pace, but ran the whole thing and felt mostly good the whole way too. I stopped only to refill my water bottle, but I figure that's about the same length I would stop at a water station on a race path so I'm not beating myself up about it. :)

A few thoughts:
A) I joke about how slow I am, and I know its all about getting the mileage in, not how fast I'm doing it, but good grief I think a snail could be at me. In a perfect world I would be happy with 10 min miles, but realistically I would at least like to get to 12. Hope it happens one this pace the freaking walkers can beat me.
B) I have my first half marathon of the year coming up on Sunday, the 2nd annual Corvallis half marathon. I ran it last year and ran my PR time on that course. M in better shape this year and with better training, so I hope I can get a new PR, if even only by a few seconds.
C) I use Nike+ to keep track of my running. Since I started running again in the summer of 09, I have run over 650 miles. With my most recent long run, I finally hit the blue stage! Silly things,I know, but I'm excited about it. Only purple and black stages after this. Just a short 900+ miles to purple group. :)
D)Apparently I have caught half marathon fever. I have the Corvallis half this weekend, then Portland Rock n Roll on May 20th, and I think I am going to sign up for two more this week. I think I am going to sign up for the Vancouver USA half on June 17th and the Lackamas Half on July 22. I figure it's good motivation to really keep me to my training plan. Plus it means more shiny medals :). And the best part, gives me something else to be mad at Mirranda about, this is totally her fault.

Two more training runs this week, then half marathon on Sunday! Wish me luck!

Days till marathon: 181
Total training miles: 140.3


  1. Way to get 'er done, Vanessa! And what I remind myself of all the time (as I jog at my slow pace) is this quote that I saw on Pinterest:
    No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch!

    1. Barbara, thanks for all your support! And the reminder... it is better than being on the couch! :)
