Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday

Just a quick update for today...still trying to let my blister heal pretty well before making it any worse. I was supposed to do a long run today, but since it's still the first week of training I thought it would be better to have it heal up instead of risking a worse injury. Still wanting to get a good workout and cardio session in I went to the gym. Instead of running I did 40 minutes on the bike, going about 11 miles and doing a hilly course to work the legs well. After the bike I went to the stairmill and did 15 min, going a little over a mile. I can certainly feel my legs this afternoon, so even though it wasn't running I'm glad I was able to get some cardio in. I'm hoping to start running again tomorrow, Monday. Hopefully the blister will have healed up enough to not have any pain when running. It doesn't hurt to walk on it anymore, so that's a good sign :). Thinking good thoughts for tomorrows workout!

In a SuperBowl side note: I don't like to say I hate anyone, but I have some pretty strong feelings against Eli Manning. Anyone who whines like a baby for getting drafted #1 overall, pouts when he has to hold a Charger jersey up, then makes sure he gets traded to NY because that will be better pisses me off. Just be glad and happy you got drafted that high you ass. So needless to say, not happy that the Giants have won the SuperBowl...ugh, it really sucks.

Days till marathon: 245
Training runs left: 152
Total training miles: 9.5 (run), 22 (bike), 1 (stairmill)


  1. VW, looked for you at the gym on Monday after I finished playing racquetball. What time are you usually there?

  2. Hey Barbara, I usually get there about 630. I try to miss the after work rush!
