Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two weeks in!

Ah the weekend! It was a very long week that went by way too quickly. Not enough time to get everything done at work, and ended on a horrible note. I haven't been this excited for a weekend in a long time. I need it.

The good part of this past week was that I was able to get all my training runs in, and I felt good in each of them.

On Thursday a speed run was scheduled. The schedule called for 1 mile at 13:53, 1 mile at 11:15, a .5 mile jog, 1 mile at 11:15, a .5 mile jog and a final mile at 13:53. I didn't follow the schedule exactly according to plan but I did get the sped run in and to my surprise I actually felt really good while running, well for the most part. I adjusted the schedule just slightly to do 1 mile at 13:53, 1 mile at 11:30, .5 mile jog, .5 miles at 11:30, .5 mile jog, .5 miles at 11:30, 1.0 miles at 13:53, for a total of 5 miles. A small part of me wishes I would have stuck to the training the way the schedule set it up, but only a small part. In the end the run went better than I expected it to. I wasn't really sure if I would be able to do two miles at 11:30, just seemed to fast for me. I was tired and so when I was done, but it sure felt good to finish it.

Usually Fridays are my day off but since I had to move workouts back a day this week I had to go yesterday. And let me tell you, after the week I had, and the way it ended, a bourbon on the rocks sounded WAY better than going to the gym. But I dragged my butt to the gym anyway. Only had to do 4 miles at 13:53. I was dragging a bit, from the long week, from the hard run the night before, but I powered through and finished the 4 miles. There were quite a few times I wanted to stop but then I thought of all the frustration from the week and it just made me mad and I pounded the rest of the run out.

Tomorrow will be my long run for the week, 9 miles. I'm sure I will struggle a bit, probably have to walk a bit, but I'll get all the miles in. While the half marathon isn't until May, I decided to sign up for the Shamrock Run 15k, so I need all the training and mileage I can get. It will give me a good short term goal to work for, before May 20th!

Days till marathon: 239
Training runs left: 149
Total training miles: 22.5

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