Friday, February 17, 2012

Week of Feb 13-17

It's been almost a week since my last post and I though I would try writing a weeks worth of training in one post...

Monday, Feb 13th
My legs were still tired from my 9 mile run on Sunday, and my poor big toe had quite a blister on it. I was supposed to run 5 miles at a 13:53 pace but after about 1.5 miles I could feel the blister getting worse so I ended up my running 2 miles at 13:53. Not what I was hoping for, but I was trying to prevent a longer setback.

Tuesday, Feb 14th & Wednesday, Feb 15th
I was supposed to run both of these days but I took the days off to let blisters heal again. I figured if it hurt just to walk around at work it wasn't going to feel any better by trying to run on them. I also did even more research about blister prevention. I'm just still so baffled by this recent problem. All my years of playing soccer I never had this issue. Even during trainings for other half marathons I never got this many blisters. I would usually get them on race day but hardly ever during training and definitely not the kind that prevented me from doing my training runs. It's very frustrating. I hope to have a solution now though! See Friday below. :)

Thursday, Feb 16th
I thought my blisters felt good enough to go running again on Thursday, so I taped, put on vaseline, double socked, laced up and went to the gym. The whole time hoping this would be the last time I would have to do all this just to go running. I was supposed to run 4 miles at 13:53, and I almost made it. I ran 3.75 miles at a mostly 13:53 pace, after the 2nd mile I increased the speed after each lap to mix it up a bit. The toes felt pretty good and no new blisters. At this point it is just trying to get my one blister to heal. It's pretty deep so it might take a while.

Friday, Feb 17th
Normally I have Fridays off from training, but since I decided to rest my feet a couple of days this week I decided to go on Friday. I had Friday off from work, which was great! I went into Portland to exchange something at Nike, went to REI, and texted Mirranda on the way home to see if she wanted to meet up for an impromptu lunch at Lapellah. It was a great day. We had lunch, weren't rushed to get back to work, and the best in the middle of the day!!!! The real exciting part of Friday was the trip to REI though. I went there to purchase what I hope will be the solution to my blister problem. I have hit official running dork status, I bought 5 toed running socks. And ya know what...I don't even care how ridiculous they are! If they stop my blisters it will all be worth it. I read reviews about them on line and people swear by them, saying they never get blisters, even run ultramarathons and never get blisters. I am very excited about this prospect, because if this doesn't work Mirranda and I are pretty sure amputation is the only other option. I have to give full credit to Momma Dubs for the idea. During one of our talks when I was blaming her for my mutant toes she joked that I should get 5 toed socks and it occurred to me that it would be something worth trying, so thanks mom! :) If these work it will make up for the mutant toes you gave me. I was supposed to do another 4 miles at 13:53 on Friday, but with trying new socks and knowing I have a long run to do on Saturday I only ran 2 miles at 13:53. I feel ok about it though, because I want to have the legs to get my long run in. Plus one of the miles was at an incline (started at 2, finished at 5), so getting some hill training was good. I used my new 5 toed socks for the first time, and so at s good! My toe hurt a little but only because it's healing from a blister. No new blisters tonight! I'm looking forward to doing a long run in them and really being ale to see the difference! Guess we will see tomorrow when a 10 mile run is on the schedule.

Days till marathon: 233
Training runs left: 144
Total training miles: 39.25

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