Saturday, February 4, 2012

Small Setback, Staying Positive

These damn mutant toes! When I made my training plan, I had Wednesday off since I was going to the Blazer game. The game was great, but it was also good so I could give my one horrible pinky toe blister time to heal. On Thursday it still hurt a bit, but got better over the course of the day. That night I thought I would go to the gym and try to get my run in. I'll admit I was not looking forward to the tempo run that was planned, but I really wanted to be able to gt my run in. I got all ready, extra toe protection: moleskin, tape, etc. I was able to get 1.5 miles in and that was it. I could have pushed through for the full workout, but I could fell my toe getting worse and I didn't want to make my blister even worse than it already was. So I stopped running and biked 11 miles instead. Not quite the same intensity level as running would have gone, but at least I still got some cardio in.

It's frustrating to have an injury so early in training, especially since leading up to official training my feet were fine, ugh. So my new, blister induced plan...I took Friday off, will take Saturday off, Sunday do some biking, stair mill, maybe the elliptical to get some cardio in, then hope to run again on Monday. The good part is that it is still early enough that if I miss a few training sessions it won't be an enormous setback. It's still not the way I wanted to start, but better to have a tiny setback now, than a big one closer to race day. Let's all think good healing thoughts for the mutant toes :).

Days till marathon: 246
Training runs left: 153 (Thursday wasn't a full training, skipped Friday for healing)
Total training miles: 9.5

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